Angelique Talbot

My practice explores the idea of the self by looking for our encounters with ourselves as we pass through the world. I envisage our sense of self as endless layers of co-existing identities and interconnecting experiences; the shadows of memories, desires, fiction; other people, other places. I am interested in the languages we use to communicate this sense of self from within our own private worlds of personal experience, to physical world we perceive around us. These languages can be deconstructed and reconstructed to form multiple overlaying narratives: creating connections, passageways, imbalances; histories revealed and obscured.

I express these interests through my use of line and structure. My abstract drawings are created as an evolving interaction between feeling, gesture and texture, ensuring each piece is entirely unique and original in design. Calligraphic forms are broken down and reassembled, each mark capturing traces of a conversation between myself and the world outside.

My 3D work is an extension of my drawing practice, where I use countless strands of hand-twisted paper yarns to weave into contemporary basketry sculpture and installations. These objects begin with the literal cartographic language of an antique map, representing a moment in time and space. This language is then cut, manipulated and transformed into a new cartography where the resulting object is revealed as as a manifest condensation of memory and experience.

In recent years I have begun to formalise the calligraphic practice which underpins my practice, with membership of CLAS and the South London Lettering Association. I have had many decades of quiet personal development with a few formal scripts, but this is finally beginning to coalesce into a cohesive core, and no doubt many more decades of practice to go.

2024 CLAS Certificate of Calligraphy: Italic Miniscules (distinction)

2014 Camberwell College of Arts (UAL), MA Designer Maker (distinction)

2005 University of Durham, PhD Elemental Particle Physics

Recent Exhibitions

  • August 2024 South London Lettering Association’s summer calligraphy exhibition

  • May 2024 “Spring collection” at Obsidian Art, Bucks